Wikinger offshore wind farm, aerial view with one turbine close up

Iberdrola hires ABL for Windanker MWS services offshore Germany

Business & Finance

Energy and marine consultancy ABL has been awarded a contract to provide marine warranty survey (MWS) services to support the offshore construction of Iberdrola’s 315 MW Windanker offshore wind farm in Germany.

ABL Germany, based in Hamburg, will provide MWS services to support the offshore transportation and installation (T&I) campaign relating to the foundations, inter-array cables, and wind turbines.

The company’s scope of work includes the provision of expert technical review and approval of documents, operations, and vessels relating to the warranted assets.

“We are pleased to support Iberdrola in their construction of Germany’s all-important Windanker offshore wind farm. This follows on from ABL’s previous collaboration with Iberdrola in Germany on the Baltic Eagle project – reflecting our successful working relationship and the value we are able to bring to Germany’s growing offshore wind market,” said Reuben Segal, CEO of ABL Group.

Located in the Baltic Sea next to the island of Rügen, the 315 MW Windanker offshore wind farm will comprise Siemens Gamesa 15 MW wind turbines installed on top of monopiles supplied by the consortium of Navantia Seanergies and Windar Renovables.

The Dutch offshore construction specialist Van Oord is responsible for the installation of wind turbine foundations and the supply and installation of inter-array cables for the project.

Iberdrola took the final investment decision (FID) for Windanker at the end of June, and the wind farm is expected to enter full operation by the end of 2026.