How are you doing? Please let us know and share

Business & Finance

The coronavirus is turning our daily lives upside down. Contact with colleagues, customers, and suppliers has completely changed and many people are in isolation. One thing is certain; only together we can recover.

Navingo’s editors

Our editors can work “almost” as normal in this situation. From home, the reporting continues as usual in combination with children who have to learn at home and parents and grandparents who need to be watched carefully.

How are you doing?

We want to know how you are doing! Are you working at home, on location or offshore? How does the workplace look like at the moment? Are you on a ship, a platform, or in a harbor? You have an uplifting message for our community, a shout-out to someone, or something else you want to share? Please, let us know!

Let us know!

Send your personal video to: [email protected] and we will try to publish as many videos as possible. Stay safe, stay healthy and keep your distance so we can come together soon…