
Hornsea Three offshore wind project hits another snag

Business & Finance

The UK’s Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has once again postponed the deadline for the decision on Ørsted’s development consent order (DCO) application for Hornsea Project Three.


The Secretary of State is minded to approve this application subject to further information from the applicant and interested parties on a number of specific issues, BEIS said.

To allow time for Ørsted to submit further information by 30 September 2020 and to allow for consultation on the further information with interested parties, the Secretary of State has set a new deadline of 31 December 2020 for his decision on this application.

Ørsted submitted the application for the Hornsea Three DCO in May 2018, with plans for the project to potentially enter the construction phase in 2020 at the earliest.

The DCO decision deadline had initially been set for 2 October 2019, but was subsequently postponed to 31 March, then to 1 June, and to 1 July.

Ørsted is proposing to install up to 300 turbines at the 2.4 GW Hornsea Project Three. The wind farm is located more than 120 kilometers off the north Norfolk coast.