HOFOR to Probe the Sound for Offshore Wind

Authorities & Government

The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has granted permissions to the Greater Copenhagen Utility (HOFOR) to conduct preliminary studies for the establishment of offshore wind farms in two areas in Øresund (the Sound).

The 160MW Nordre Flint project would comprise between 16 and 40 wind turbines with an individual capacity of between 4 -10MW. The total feasibility study area is approx. 42km2, of which the potential area for offshore wind turbines amounts to approx. 17km2. The distance between the coast and the nearest potential offshore wind turbines is more than 8km.

The Aflandshage project would comprise 25-63 offshore wind turbines with an installed capacity of 250MW. The turbines would again have the individual capacity of 4-10MW.

The feasibility study area is located in the area between Stevns and Amager’s southern tip. The total feasibility study area is approx. 65km2 , of which the potential area for offshore wind turbines amounts to approx. 44km2 . The distance from the coast and to the nearest potential offshore wind turbines will be more than 8km.

A preliminary study permit allows HOFOR to carry out feasibility studies at the sites and collect and analyze data for use in an assessment of the potential impact of the offshore wind farms on the environment, air traffic, shipping traffic, etc.

The results of the feasibility studies will be compiled in an environmental impact report, which must be submitted to the DEA by 31 December 2020.