HL Green completes its maiden voyage


H Line Shipping’s LNG-fueled bulk carrier, HL Green, completed its maiden voyage with the arrival at Port Hedland on Wednesday, 6 January.

Courtesy of Pilbara Ports Authority
HL Green completes its maiden voyage
Courtesy of Pilbara Ports Authority

HL Green is the first LNG-fuelled vessel to dock at the Port of Port Hedland, Pilbara region of Western Australia.

The 180,000 deadweight tonnage is one of two bulk carriers that were built in Korea and launched on 11 December 2020. HL Green sets itself apart by the two LNG fuel tanks at the stern that each have a storage capacity of 1600 cubic meteres. It is expected to make about ten round trips annually between Korea and Australia.

As the maritime industry moves to reduce emissions from shipping operations, this event represents another milestone in Pilbara Ports Authorit’s support of the transfer to LNG fuel. Transitioning iron ore exports from heavy fuel oil vessels to LNG-fuelled vessels will result in reduction of sulphur and particulate matter by 95 per cent and nitrogen emissions by 85 per cent.