Himalaya Shipping sees first LNG bunkering of its newbuild ships


Bermuda-based bulk carrier company Himalaya Shipping has commenced LNG bunkering of two of its newbuild ships, Mount Norefjell and Mount Matterhorn.

Mount Norefjell. Courtesy of Himalaya Shipping

The company announced on 2 August that the two ships were bunkered with LNG in Singapore over the last days.

Mount Norefjell and Mount Matterhorn, which were delivered in March and July this year, respectively, are dual-fuel 210,000 dwt bulk carriers built by Chinese shipbuilder New Times Shipyard (NTS).

The ships are fitted with scrubbers allowing them to run on high-sulfur fuel oil as well as LNG and low-sulfur fuel oil with a design that will also allow for future conversion to next-generation fuels.

According to Himalaya Shipping, a Newcastlemax running on LNG reduces its CO2 emissions by 43% compared to a standard Capesize ship, in addition to significantly reducing SOx and NOx.

“We are pleased to see the first LNG bunkering of the Himalaya ships. Both the environmental and economic benefit of running on LNG makes us confident in our choice to invest in dual-fuel engines. The high LNG prices seen in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine conflict seem to be normalizing, and we believe, over time, LNG prices will trade at a discount to oil. Of the around 2000 Capesize+ dry bulk ships in the world, less than 2% can run on LNG, hence, Himalaya Shipping is well positioned to benefit from the environmental regulations being introduced”, said Herman Billung, Himalaya Shipping’s CEO.


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