Hilton Head Island Beach Tilling About to Begin

Business & Finance

Town of Hilton Head Island has just announced that the town’s contractor will next week begin tilling all portions of the Island’s beach which were recently renourished.

Beginning Monday, March 26, the McGraley Company will mobilize in order to begin tilling the beach.

The beach renourishment project permits require that the sand placed be loose enough to ensure suitable nesting habitat for sea turtles. The Town achieves this requirement via tilling,” the town said.

According to the announcement, the portions of the beach affected by this work are South Island between beach markers 11 and 43A, South Forest Beach to the Folly between markers 52A and 97, along the Atlantic Oceanfront of Port Royal Plantation between markers 115 and 123 and the Port Royal Sound beach between markers 124 and 131.

Work will occur during daylight hours, though work during peak hours of beach visitation between 10 AM and 4 PM will be minimized. All work is expected to be complete by April 30, 2018.