An image rendering new cable laying vessel from High Tien Offshore

High Tien Offshore to build Taiwan’s first large cable laying vessel


High Tien Offshore Engineering (High Tien Offshore) – a company led by a former CSBC president and chairman of CSBC’s joint venture with DEME – is set to invest in a large cable laying vessel (CLV) which will serve the offshore wind market in Taiwan.

High Tien Offshore

“Following the investment by CDWE in a large floating crane vessel “Green Jade”, the local offshore engineering company – High Tien Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd. (High Tien Offshore) is going to invest and own the first Taiwanese large Cable Laying Vessel (CLV)”, the company said, further adding that the move was in line with the government’s promotion of the localisation development strategy for the offshore wind industry.

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According to High Tien Offshore, the cable laying vessel will have a high load capacity, a large turntable, strong dynamic positioning capability, high resistance to wind and waves, and will be equipped with advanced WROV and trenching equipment.

The CLV is expected to be built by the end of 2023 and to take on its first cable laying projects in 2024. Along with offshore wind projects in Taiwan, the company is planning to deploy the vessel on projects in the wider Asia Pacific region, as well as internationally.

“The aim of the investment of High Tien Offshore in an advanced large Cable Laying Vessel is to build an independent role for the main offshore installation works”, said Tseng Kuo-Cheng, High Tien Offshore’s Chairman and former president of CSBC and chairman of CSBC-DEME Wind Engineering (CDWE). “We will keep our vessel, talents and technologies in Taiwan: setting our roots here, developing and contributing to Taiwan, and then for a further expansion in the APAC and international market”.