Hesselø tender talks scheduled for November

Business & Finance

The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) and Energinet will in November host a virtual market dialogue related to the upcoming tender for the Hesselø offshore wind project.

Danish Energy Agency

The market dialogue, to be held between 25 and 30 November, will see the main elements of the tender discussed with the industry which will get the opportunity to influence the project’s framework conditions.

The aim is to optimize the framework conditions in order to ultimately reach the lowest possible bid price.

According to DEA, the event will mainly focus on the timetable for the tendering process and the process towards 2027, as well as the conditions for pre-qualification and the number of pre-qualified tenderers.

It will also include financial terms and compliance penalties, environmental assessments, coexistence with fishery, and the onshore project and grid connection.

DEA will publish electronic material on the topics two weeks prior to the market dialogue, after which interested tenderers and the industry can ask for confidential bilateral meetings with the agency and Energinet.

After the meetings, the participants will have the opportunity to submit written questions or comments, which the DEA and Energinet will then answer in a Q&A.

Located in Kattegatt, Hesselø is the second of the three offshore wind farms proposed in Denmark’s Energy Agreement 2018, the first being the Thor project.

Both projects will be commissioned in 2027. Denmark plans to start the tendering procedure for the development of Hesselø in 2021, and select the winner in 2022.

The wind farm will have an installed capacity of between 800 MW and 1,200 MW and can thus potentially become the largest Danish offshore wind farm, depending on the capacity that the winner of the tender chooses to install.

The developers will also have an option to develop up to 200 MW of overplanting capacity.