Havyard Names State-of-the-Art Fish Carrier

Business & Finance

Havyard’s newbuild 117, the live fish carrier “FS Stormy” was duly named on Saturday 29th March in Fosnavaag town centre.

Havyard Names State-of-the-Art Fish Carrier

In addition to invited guests, many of the open ship visitors also joined the ceremony. And they got to listen to dashing brass music by Herøy Janitsjar (a janissary / brass band) and observed godmother Kathrine Andersen Remøy smashing the bottle against the side of the hull as she wished ship and crew good fortune out at sea.

After the naming, FS Stormy with guests onboard, sailed to Quality Waterfront Hotel in Aalesund where a gala dinner duly awaited the party, including entertainment and speeches lasting into the early hours.

FS Stormy, live fish carrier of Havyard 587 design, attracted plenty of attention, many visitors gathered to see this state-of-the-art vessel docked at the quay in the middle of Fosnavaag town centre.

A steady flow of  people, younger and older, carefully inspected the advanced ship from keel to mast and in particular the size of the ship was commented on by many people. The beautiful lines of the vessel were also topic for many conversations as it adorned the quayside.

Main data Havyard 587

Length: 84.6 m

Breadth: 16.9 m

Capacity: Three cylinder tanks totalling 3250 cubic

Main engine: 3000 kW

Crew: 12 persons


havyard, April 1, 2014