Gulf of Ob Dredging Deal Inked

FSUE Hydrographic Company and Mordraga have signed an agreement for reconstruction of the Gulf of Ob seaway canal where the Novatek’s Utrenny terminal is being built, IAA PortNews reports.

The limit price under the agreement is $504 million.
According to IAA PortNews, the works will last for three years – from 2020 through 2022.
FSUE Hydrographic Company, a structure of State Corporation Rosatom, provides navigation and hydrographic support in the water area of the Northern Sea Route and Mordraga LLC, Russian dredging company founded as part of DEME Group, is involved in providing a complete cycle of solutions in dredging, land reclamation and hydraulic engineering at seaports and in open sea for laying of underwater pipelines and installation of offshore structures.