Guildford Flood Alleviation Scheme on the Way

Business & Finance

The Environment Agency, together with its partners, is working on a project that will reduce the risk of flooding directly from the river (fluvial) and indirectly from overwhelmed surcharged local drainage systems in Guildford town center.

According to the EA, the design of the scheme is at an early stage of option selection but investigations have confirmed that a combination of permanent and temporary flood defense walls will bring significant flood-relief benefits to parts of the town.

The Guildford flood alleviation scheme project team is developing a series of options that include building new flood walls and using temporary defenses in the flood plain of the River Wey. The project team has started to analyse the options available in detail. This initial work will be presented in consultation events being planned for later in 2018.

Following these consultations, the next stage will be to design the scheme and to secure necessary funding and approvals to build the selected approach.

Once the preferred design option has been selected, there are various approvals that must be sought (including planning permission) before construction can begin. Provided the scheme is fully approved and funded, the earliest construction can be expected to start is summer 2019. Construction is expected to be completed by 2020.

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