GTT scores tank design order for Pan Ocean's LNG newbuild

GTT scores tank design order for Pan Ocean’s LNG newbuild


French LNG containment specialist GTT has been contracted to design the tanks for Pan Ocean’s LNG newbuild.

Courtesy of Roland Mouron – GTT
GTT scores tank design order for Pan Ocean's LNG newbuild
Courtesy of Roland Mouron – GTT

The order was placed by the South Korean Samsung Heavy Industries shipyard.

Once completed the vessel will be capable of transporting up to 174,000 cubic meters of LNG.

GTT noted the vessel will be fitted with the Mark III Flex membrane containment system.

The vessel is scheduled for delivery in the second quarter of 2023.

This order is the first of the year for the company. It follows a series of 29 LNG carriers orders received in the second half of 2020.

The containment specialist noted that these orders, except for one, will be delivered over a longer period than usual, spreading over 2023 to 2025.