Gloryholder LGM tech ordered for seven LNG-fueled chemical tankers


Gloryholder LGM has been contracted to supply LNG fuel gas systems for seven dual-fuel chemical tankers ordered by German and Japanese shipowners. 

Image courtesy of FKAB Marine Design
Image courtesy of FKAB Marine Design

The marine LNG fuel gas supply systems specialist noted that the contracts for the design and supply of the LNG FGSS have been signed with the German shipowner GEFO, and the Japanese shipowner, Nishin.

GEFO has a 7,000 dwt chemical tanker on order and under construction at the China Merchants Jinling Dingheng Shipyard, with Gloryholder LNG set to deliver two 162-cbm systems.

The company is also set to deliver a pair of 2×300-cbm systems for installation onboard two 19,900 dwt chemical tankers Nantong Xiangyu Shipbuilding is constructing for the Japanese shipowner Nisshin Shipping.

The Japanese company also has four 33,000 dwt chemical tankers on order at Offshore Engineering. Gloryholder LGM is set to deliver four 2×300-cbm systems for these vessels.

LGM added it currently has 25 LNG systems on order, among which are two sets of cargo handling system packages for 6,000/7,500-cbm LNG bunker vessels, twelve sets of low-pressure FGSS packages for 4,000HP/5,000HP series PSVs, one set of high- and low-pressure system for FGSS+SBR package for 7500 PCTC and two sets of low-pressure FGSS for 22,000 dwt chemical tankers.