Germany: Nexans Wins Contract to Supply and Install Infield Power Cables for Riffgat Offshore Wind Farm

Operations & Maintenance


Nexans, a worldwide leading expert in the cable industry, has been awarded a contract by the project developer Offshore-Windpark RIFFGAT GmbH & Co. KG, which is owned by Enova and EWE ENERGIE, to supply and install the infield submarine power cables and ancillary equipment for the Riffgat offshore wind farm currently under construction 15 km northwest of the German island of Borkum.

The Riffgat wind farm, covering an area of 6 square kilometres, will comprise 30 wind turbines providing a peak capacity of 108 megawatt (MW), sufficient to meet the needs of around 100,000 households.

The Nexans facility in Hannover, Germany will design and manufacture just over 24 km of 33 kV XLPE submarine infield cables to interconnect the wind turbines and to link them to the offshore transformer substation. Nexans in Norway will be responsible for the cable installation which includes engineering, laying the cable and pulling in each cable end to the wind turbines, as well as protection of the cables on the seabed using the specialized Capjet trenching machine.


Source: Nexans, August 24, 2011;