German Politicians Sketch 20GW by 2030 Offshore Wind Plan

Authorities & Government

German state and federal representatives have suggested that tenders should be launched by 2023 in order for Germany to reach its 20GW by 2030 offshore wind target.

At a meeting held in Hannover, Lower Saxony’s Minister for Environment, Energy, Building, and Climate Protection Olaf Lies said that “the lid has been lifted” on offshore wind and tenders need to be published by 2023 in order for the wind farms to enter the construction phase from 2027.

The Lower Saxony minister added that the 20GW expansion would require 500 offshore wind turbines to be installed, while from 2026 an annual expansion of 2GW would be possible.

“The climate package is ambitious. We want to make society fit for a future with significantly less CO2. That is why we will draw up an offshore action plan with the aim of achieving 20 gigawatts of offshore wind energy in the North and Baltic Seas by 2030,” said Andreas Feicht, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

Lies promised to solve all the legal work regarding the target in the coming months and emphasized that the grid expansion still needs to be addressed.

In that respect, TenneT stated that it will support the ambitious plan with the appropriate grid expansion, but the authorities need to offer planning security.

State Secretary Feicht said that in November a conference will be held with federal states to formulate specific tasks and guidelines for the network expansion.

As reported, last year a group of economic and energy ministers, senators of five northern German states, representatives of the coastal cities and the industry signed the Cuxhaven Appeal 2.0 calling for an expansion goal of at least 20GW instead of 15GW of offshore wind in the North and Baltic Seas by 2030.

The German Climate Cabinet recently agreed to increase the country’s target.