A photo of the Beatrice offshore wind farm

Geophysical survey underway at 1 GW Irish offshore wind farm site

Business Developments & Projects

A geophysical survey campaign has started at the project site of SSE Renewables’ Braymore Wind Park in the north Irish Sea.

Illustration; Beatrice offshore wind farm; Photo source: SSE Renewables

The campaign will involve the deployment of towed equipment from survey vessels and is expected to be completed by early November 2022, subject to weather and operational constraints.

The survey, being conducted by using survey vessels Roman Rebel and Lady Kathleen, will be confined to the proposed Braymore wind turbine array area to provide site investigation information to facilitate the development of the array.

The wind turbine array of the Braymore offshore wind farm is located approximately 18 kilometres from Dunany Point in County Louth at its most northerly point, and Braymore Point in County Dublin at its most southerly point.

Earlier this month, an unmanned surface vessel (USV) survey was also announced to begin this month at the Braymore Wind Park site, utilising remotely piloted XOcean USVs.

Braymore Wind Park will feature between 40 and 50 bottom-fixed turbines that will be able to generate up to 1 GW of renewable energy and power over 1 million homes annually.

Construction is expected to begin in 2027, with first electricity anticipated by 2030.


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