GE Sees DolWin3 as Reference for Future OW Projects in Germany

Business & Finance

Multinational energy conglomerate General Electric (GE) is hoping the successful completion of the 900MW DolWin 3 offshore grid connection project will prove a good reference in the company’s future bids for German offshore wind projects, Reuters reports.

Germany’s offshore wind sector ”has become very important” to GE, Carlos Haertel, CEO at GE Germany & Austria, was quoted by Reuters as saying.

In 2013, TenneT awarded a contract for the supply and construction of DolWin3 onshore and offshore converter stations as well as the connecting cable systems to Alstom, which in the meantime sold its power and grid businesses to GE.

The DolWin3 is expected to be completed and to link the German offshore wind farms to the grid in 2017.

The converter platform is being developed to allow secure transfer of renewable energy from the distant wind farms to the mainland with as little loss as possible.

If successful, the project would clear the path for the planned construction of 6.5GW of offshore wind capacity in German waters by 2020, a development GE wants to be a part of.

Offshore WIND Staff