Gazprom, GDF SUEZ Ink Sci-Tech Cooperation Deal (France)

Gazprom, GDF SUEZ Ink Sci-Tech Cooperation Deal

Chaired by Vlada Rusakova, Member of the Management Committee, Head of the Strategic Development Department of Gazprom and Marc Florette, Research and Innovation Director at GDF SUEZ, a regular meeting dedicated to the sci-tech cooperation between Gazprom and GDF SUEZ took place yesterday in France.

Representatives from the Gazprom Administration as well as heads of the Company’s subsidiaries – Gazprom Promgaz, NIIgazeconomika – and deputy heads of Gazprom VNIIGAZ and Gazprom Gazobezopasnost took part in the meeting.

The meeting participants finalized the results of the Sci-Tech Cooperation Program 2010–2011. The meeting reviewed the issues of gas pipelines protection from corrosion, underground gas storage , liquefied natural gas  (LNG) process safety, metrological support of gas supplies, centralized control of the gas transmission systems and environmental protection. A focus was placed on successful presentation of the Russian technology made for comprehensive diagnostics of pipes corrosion at the Center – East gas pipeline section running via France.

The meeting noted that there was a keen and mutual interest in continuing a number of technical dialogs being already launched and in carrying out new joint projects. The parties signed the Sci-Tech Cooperation Program 2012–2014.


LNG World News Staff, May 23, 2012