Gasum delivers bio-LNG to Equinor’s platform supply vessel


On top of extending their long-term LNG bunkering agreement, Nordic company Gasum and Norway’s energy giant Equinor have joined forces on a series of liquefied biomethane (bio-LNG) bunkering operations in the Port of Dusavik in Stavanger, Norway.

Courtesy of Gasum

Specifically, Gasum is bunkering ISCC-EU certified mass-balanced bio-LNG to Equinor’s chartered platform supply vessel Island Crusader. In addition to being powered by LNG, the 2012-built vessel features battery hybrid technology, further improving its environmental performance.

According to Gasum, the first delivery was completed mid-July this year.

The collaboration will see Gasum continue supplying the vessel with 2-3 truckloads containing approximately 22 tons of bio-LNG every other week.

The bio-LNG deliveries to Island Crusader are said to be one step on Equnior’s journey towards achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

Biogas is produced from waste feedstocks such as biowaste, sewage sludge, manure, and other industrial and agricultural side streams. It is described as a fully renewable and environmentally friendly fuel with life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are, on average, 90% lower when compared with fossil fuel use. Biogas can be used in all the same applications as natural gas, including as a road and maritime transport fuel and as energy for industry.

Gasum and Equinor’s bunkering collaboration was extended earlier this year with a long-term contract whereby Gasum will continue to supply LNG to Equinor’s dual-fuel chartered fleet of vessels.

The agreement builds on the previous contract between the two parties and includes additional support services such as cooling down and gassing up.

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