FSRU Lampung Named in S. Korea

Business & Finance

The naming ceremony for “PGN FSRU Lampung”, the second of four large and modern FSRUs that Höegh LNG has under construction at Hyundai Heavy Industries, took place on 7 April 2014.

FSRU Lampung Named in S. Korea

PGN FSRU Lampung will serve the Lampung FSRU project that will be located in Lampung, on the southern tip of Sumatra in Indonesia.

Sveinung J.S. Støhle, CEO and President of Höegh LNG, says: “Höegh LNG is pleased to celebrate this important milestone with Perusahaan Gas Negara and to provide them with this landmark FSRU project. FSRUs represent a quick, flexible and less capital intensive solution in securing countries new LNG import capacity, and has proven to be an ideal solution in meeting Indonesia’s need for energy. Our company looks forward to the start-up of the project in June and continuing our excellent relationship with Perusahaan Gas Negara.”

The project is on schedule to commence operation in June 2014.


hoeghlng, April 8, 2014