Frade Spill: Criminal Charges Against Chevron and Transocean Dropped (Brazil)

Frade Spill Criminal Charges Against Chevron and Transocean Dropped

A Brazilian judge has dismissed criminal lawsuits against Transocean and Chevron, filed on account of the Frade field incident that occurred in November, 2011, Reuters has reported.

The Swiss-based drilling contractor Transocean, and the U.S.-based oil company Chevron sent e-mails to the news agency confirming the charges have been dismissed by the ruling of Judge Marcelo Luzio in Rio de Janeiro.

The oil spill occurred on November 7, 2011, while Chevron Brasil Upstream Frade Ltd. was drilling an appraisal well from the Transocean-owned SEDCO 706 rig in the Frade oil field, about 120 km (75 miles) offshore Brazil.

Approximately 2,400 barrels was spilled into the ocean. There were no reports of the oil spill reaching the shoreline.

Offshore Energy Today Staff, February 21, 2013