FPP teams up with OPES for floating wind and wave device
Floating Power Plant (FPP), a Danish offshore energy developer has formed marine technology partnership with Norway-based Ocean Power & Energy Services (OPES), to advance its floating wind and wave energy device.
The design, engineering, and technology development agreement gives FPP the opportunity to draw on OPES’ knowledge within design of safe, stable, and cost efficient floating marine structures and mooring systems from the oil & gas industry.
Based on the extensive development and testing including two years of grid connected testing in Denmark, FPP is currently engaged in the technology supply for three commercial array projects in Europe, the company informed.
Anders Køhler, CEO of FPP, said: “The partnership will bring significant value to FPP’s technology design and value proposition of low cost of energy and easy accessibility for operation and maintenance activities.”
As reported earlier, FPP was backed by €1.14 million Horizon 2020 grant to bring its wave and wind energy concept to commercial maturity, under the POSEIDON initiative.
FPP is developing a commercial P80 platform with a turret mooring system that will host a single wind turbine that can range from 2.3 MW to 5 MW.
The floating platform integrates four wave generation units as well, rated at approximately 400-650 kW each, depending on the wave climate at the selected site.
The combined capacity of wind and wave for the P80 floating power plant amounts to 7.6 MW.
The prime market FPP is aiming at is that of UK, where the company has set up a subsidiary last year, as well as identified, in collaboration with IT Power, a number of sites suitable for the device’s commercial deployment.