Fox River Dredging Program Resumes

Business & Finance
Image source: Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District – NEW Water

The new dredging season along the Fox River in Green Bay is now officially underway, according to the Fox River Cleanup Project official website.

Commenting this, Scott Stein, Fox River Cleanup Project spokesman, said: “The dredging aspect of it is really to reduce the impact of PCBs on the environment and human health.

The spokesman said that much of this year’s work will take place from Porlier Street and run north toward the mouth of the Fox River.

“There will also be activity early in the season out near the bay, as the bigger dredge, the 10-inch dredge, does work out in that area,” he added.

Under the current work plan, dredging is expected to continue into 2019.

Project goals

The long-term goals of the Fox River Cleanup Project include meeting the following Remedial Action Objectives (RAOs):

  • RAO 1: Achieve, to the extent practicable, surface water quality criteria for PCBs throughout the Lower Fox River and Green Bay;
  • RAO 2: Protect humans who consume fish from exposure to contaminants that exceed protective levels (achieve safe exposure for recreational and high-intake fish consumers);
  • RAO 3: Protect ecological receptors from exposure to contaminants above protective levels (achieve safe ecological thresholds for fish-eating birds and mammals within 30 years following remedy completion);
  • RAO 4: Reduce transport of PCBs from the Lower Fox River into Green Bay and Lake Michigan (reduce loading to Green Bay and Lake Michigan comparable to loading from other Lake Michigan Tributaries).

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