FORESEA to host second call clarification webinar

Business & Finance

FORESEA program has organized a webinar related to its second call for applications launched back in November.

The second FORESEA call was launched on November 8 and runs until February 27, 2017, following the selection of ten ocean energy developers under the first call.

The webinar will provide participants with feedback from the first call, information on the second call, as well as with an opportunity to ask the FORESEA team questions related to the call and the initiative.

Funding Ocean Renewable Energy through Strategic European Action (FORESEA) is an €11 million EU-funded initiative whose goal is to enable ocean energy developers access to Europe’s leading testing centers by providing financial support.

The webinar will be held on January 18, and requires registration.

FORESEA program is funded through Interreg NWE, part of the European Regional Development Fund.