FORESEA Recommends Five Projects under 5th Call for Proposals

Research & Development

The EU-funded FORESEA (Funding Ocean Energy through Strategic European Action) programme has awarded recommendations for support to five offshore renewable energy projects under its final call.


The projects have been selected due to their high readiness level for real sea testing within the year. Final confirmation of support will be granted to developers upon contract with the relevant test centre.

FORESEA is an €11 million project which helps to bring offshore renewable energy technologies to market by offering free access to a network of test centres: EMEC (UK), DMEC (NL), SEM REV (FR) and SmartBay (IE).

The technology developers that were granted support packages at the test centres include IFREMER ECHOSONDE at SEM-REV; Green Marine ALARM (Adjustable Lifting Aid for Recovery for Moorings) at EMEC; Resen Waves RABBIT (Resen Waves Smart Buoy Sea Trails) at EMEC; Swirl Generators STACS (Sea Trial of Autonomous Control and Seaworthiness) at EMEC; and Wisub SCORE at SEM-REV.

This is the 5th and final call for proposals for FORESEA, and it was launched in January. Real sea testing will continue next year through FORESEA’s follow up programme, the Ocean DEMO.

It will provide free access to open sea test centres for multi-machine enabling technologies in marine renewable energy projects. A first call for Ocean DEMO will open later this year.