Veer Corporation

Following ABS approval, Veer gears up to start building its wind-powered containerships

Business Developments & Projects
Veer Corporation
Image credit: Veer Corporation

Veer Corporation, registered in the Bahamas, has received Approval in Principle (AiP) from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) for its project aimed at building the world’s first fleet of 100% clean, ocean-going container vessels.

Courtesy of Veer

“Receiving this AIP from a recognized organization such as ABS sets Veer apart from other conceptual projects,” says Danielle Doggett, CEO at Veer. “We are making significant progress – you can feel that it’s really happening.”

The company’s 100-metre container vessels will be fitted with DynaRig sail technology paired with green hydrogen fuel cell engines.

Veer said that it expects to receive tender responses to its bid package from shipyards soon, and aims to have a selected shipyard by the end of this year. The company plans to begin shipping with two vessels by the end of 2024.

The project is managed by a team from Brookes Bell and supported by naval architects at Dykstra from the Netherlands.

“While it was a lengthy process, Veer has chosen to work with only the best teams in the maritime industry to ensure its success, and having reached this point, is ever more excited to keep pressing forward,” the company said.

The project has also received backing from cosmetics-sustainability leader LUSH, which is looking into cooperation with Veer as an early adopter of hydrogen for its shipping services.

“The world needs us to progress much more rapidly in decarbonising transport, globally. Lush’s commitment to decarbonise our global transport is dependent on partnerships with innovative organisations like Veer. Our roadmap to net zero transport means being early adopters of hydrogen shipping and so we are very excited at the possibility of partnering with Veer’s first vessel. The prospect of a direct partnership and meticulously designed vessels to enable efficient service, brings us much needed hope.’’ the company said.

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