Fluxys providing Zeebrugge LNG terminal slots for December 2023

Business Developments & Projects

Fluxys LNG, a part of Belgian natural gas transmission operator Fluxys, has announced it is offering slots to unload, store and regasify LNG cargo in the Zeebrugge LNG terminal, starting on 1 and 6 December 2023.

Courtesy of Fluxys LNG

The company has also upgraded the standard slot size and commercializes as a bundle the firm rights to unload, store and regasify up to 165 000 m3 LNG over 10 days.

The slot of 1 December will be auctioned on 13 September 2023 at 10h Belgian time, while the slot of 6 December will be auctioned on 13 September 2023 at 14h Belgian time.

Fluxys LNG said the slots will be allocated via the ascending clock algorithm:

  • the starting price is the regulated tariff of 646 869,65 €, the major price step is 250 000 €, the minor price step is 50 000 €
  • the duration of 1 round is 3 minutes, and between 2 rounds there is a duration of 1 minute

To remind, the LNG terminal in Zeebrugge has been operational since 1987 and is one of the main LNG supply points to North-West Europe. The terminal currently supplies gas directly to the Belgian gas grid but also serves the Netherlands and Germany.


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