First Cable Laid at DanTysk OWF in Germany

Business & Finance

First Cable Laid at DanTysk OWF in Germany

The next major step has been taken at the DanTysk offshore wind farm – a first cable has been laid between foundations 39 and 40.

The sea conditions were perfect for executing this operation for the first time on DanTysk. It did not go smoothly the entire time. Some wires broke and had to be repaired, a ROV (remotely operated vehicle) was deployed to support the activities and the positioning of the vessels was slow. As with every new operation there is always a steep learning curve so the small hick-ups are expected.

Four additional vessels have been involved to install the cables. It started off with the “DP Gezina”. This vessel is equipped with an Ampelmann System which allows an easy step-over from the vessel onto the TP. The crew from the Gezina are responsible to prepare the pull-in from the cable and to install a winch which will later pull-in the cable.

This will be followed by the “HAM 602″, a newly fitted vessel for cable laying.

The “HAM 602″ is laying the cable. This starts with the pulling-in of the cable on the first leg and securing the cable, fitted with a bend-restrictor in the monopile. Then the cable is laid onto the sea bed between locations 40 and going to location 39 where the second leg is pulled in. This is supported by the “Jan Steen” which will later bury the cable down to 1.5 meters into the seabed. A crew vessel is there to support all activities.

Now the cable is laid within the expected corridors – it is ready to transport power.

Press Release, July 19, 2013