FERC approves Excelerate’s Aguirre Offshore GasPort


The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued on Friday its order granting authorization to Excelerate Energy, in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA), to site, construct, and operate the proposed Aguirre Offshore GasPort project located offshore Puerto Rico.

The order confirms the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that resulted in a finding of no significant environmental impact. As part of the order, the project will comply with all the environmental conditions outlined by FERC, Excelerate said in a statement issued on Monday.

The proposed project will be a floating liquefied natural gas terminal with the same capabilities as a land-based terminal. The terminal will consist of a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU), minimal infrastructure to moor the vessel, and a subsea pipeline to deliver the gas onshore.

The facility will provide fuel to PREPA’s Central Aguirre Power Complex. Fuel cost reduction and environmental improvements, such as improved air quality and reduced barge traffic in the environmentally sensitive Jobos Bay, are the primary drivers for bringing the Project to Puerto Rico, according to Excelerate.

In the coming months, Excelerate said it will continue to work with FERC and cooperating agencies in preparation for the commencement of construction.

Construction is estimated to begin the first quarter of 2016, with an in-service date of the second quarter of 2017.


LNG World News Staff; Image: Excelerate Energy