FEE: France’s Offshore Wind Targets Not Ambitious Enough

Authorities & Government

France Energie Eolienne (FEE), the country’s wind energy association, has expressed concerns that France’s offshore wind targets proposed in the Multiannual Energy Programme (Programmation pluriannuelle de l’énergie (PPE)) are not ambitious enough.

As reported earlier, France plans to tender up to 6GW of offshore wind and floating wind capacity from 2019 to 2028. The country’s operating capacity is expected to reach 2.4GW by 2023, and between 4.7GW and 5.2GW by 2028.

“The maximum 6 GW retained in the government roadmap are far too short. These “minima” objectives will deprive our country of an industrial, economic, energy and environmental opportunity that we are unlikely to encounter for a long time,” Olivier Perot, President of FEE said.

”However, we note progress in terms of visibility and programming of tenders until 2024. Moreover, the “target prices” represent in themselves an acknowledgment of the competitiveness, by the government, of offshore wind power in France.” 

The results of the Dunkirk tender will demonstrate the competitiveness of offshore wind in France, FEE said, adding that the association will continue to work with the government to ensure that this competitiveness and the jobs related to the sector are taken into account and will allow the targets for offshore wind to be raised.

“The government has told us on several occasions that the competitiveness of offshore wind power is a key element of its development in our country. The Dunkirk call for tender will unambiguously show great competitiveness, which should make it possible to reopen discussions on the objectives of multiannual energy programming,” Perot said.