Fassmer Presents New Naval OPV at Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Business & Finance

Fassmer Presents New Naval OPV at Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Fassmer actively participated in the OPV Latin America conference held in Rio de Janeiro on the 21st and 22nd of May. During the Conference organized by IQPC and the Brazilian Navy, Fassmer presented its new Naval OPV, an 80m offshore patrol vessel design aiming at higher threat scenarios and matching the mission requirements of navies demanding small corvettes within restricted budgets.

The naval OPV is a platform based upon the same philosophy of the popular Fassmer OPV80, but able to deploy a variety of ASW, ASuW weapons as well as improved self-defense capabilities within a platform with reduced signatures, enhanced survivability and higher speed.

During the conference, great attention was also dispensed to the presentations of Admiral Giancarlo Stagno of the Chilean navy and Admiral Cesar Gomez of the Colombian navy, both discussing the successful history of their Fassmer OPV80 building programs as well as their outstanding operational experiences.

Source: Fassmer, June 25, 2012