‘Fabulous’ News from Vroon Offshore (China)

'Fabulous' News from Vroon Offshore (China)

Vroon Offshore, a Dutch-based maritime offshore-services supplier focused on the North Sea, Mediterranean and South-East Asia, yesterday announced the launching VOS Fabulous vessel in China. This 50‑m ERRV (emergency response and rescue vessel) is under construction at Nanjing East Star Shipyard in China.

VOS Fabulous is the first in a ten-vessel newbuilding programme, with six 50-m ERRVs being built at Nanjing and four 60-m vessels under construction at Fujian Southeast Shipyard, also in China. All vessels have a revolutionary, wave-piercing bow shape that has been specially designed for Vroon.

VOS Fabulous is scheduled for delivery to Vroon Offshore Services in early summer and will be operational in the North Sea later this year.


 May 30, 2013