ExxonMobil offers Gorgon LNG cargo for sale

ExxonMobil offers Gorgon LNG cargo for sale

Ports & Logistics
ExxonMobil offers Gorgon LNG cargo for sale
Image courtesy of Chevron

US energy giant ExxonMobil has reportedly put up a single cargo from the Chevron-operated Gorgon LNG facility in Australia with delivery in November. 

Image courtesy of Chevron

Sources told Reuters that the bids for the volume from the facility are due on September 3.

Gorgon comprises a three-train, 15.6 million tonnes per annum LNG facility and a domestic gas plant with the capacity to supply 300 terajoules of gas per day to Western Australia.

The Gorgon project is operated by Chevron’s Australian unit that has a 47.3 percent share in the giant LNG project.

ExxonMobil and Shell hold 25 percent, each, in the project, while Osaka Gas has 1.25 percent, Tokyo Gas 1 percent and JERA owns a 0.417 percent share in the joint venture.


LNG World News Staff