Experts to advise on EU research funding impacts

Business & Finance

The European Commission (EC) will set up a high level group of experts who will advise on how to maximise the impact of the EU’s investment into research and innovation.

The 12-member group is being established as part of the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020, the EU’s current research and innovation funding scheme.

The group, for which the selection process is expected to be finalised in November 2016, will formulate a vision for future EU research and innovation and draw up strategic recommendations on maximising the impact of EU’s future investment in this area, EC informed.

They will base their work on the available Horizon 2020 interim evaluation results and other factual evidence such as the results of the related public consultation, which will be launched in October 2016.

The group will be chaired by Pascal Lamy, President Emeritus of the Jacques Delors Institute, the Commission decided on September 21.

Pascal Lamy, former Director-General of the World Trade Organisation and European Commissioner for Trade, said: “The EU’s research and innovation funding is already making a big difference, increasing our growth and competitiveness while addressing the main challenges of today. But with limited budgets, we need to make sure we are getting as much impact out of our investment as we can. It will be the task of my group to explore all the paths that lead to this goal.”

Following the selection process, the group is expected to start its work in December this year.

Its final report will be published in June 2017, and the recommendations will be taken forward by the EC for the future development of EU research and innovation funding, in particular the implementation of the remaining years of Horizon 2020, EC informed.