EWEA: EU Must Amp Up Work on Post-2020 Renewable Energy Plans

Authorities & Government

EU member states must show more political will in their plans for renewable energy after 2020, according to the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).

The latest conclusions by the Energy Council – a meeting of the EU’s 28 energy ministers and the European Commission – recommend that member states set out post-2020 plans for climate and energy by the end of 2019, including a component on renewable energy.

“Many member states seem to be ducking out of the challenge. It’s not clear how they will contribute to the binding renewables target of at least 27% of Europe’s energy by 2030. So far, only 5 out of 28 EU countries have commitments and policies in place for renewables beyond 2020,” Giles Dickson, Chief Executive Officer of EWEA, said.

”This is depriving investors of the signals they need. And delaying national energy plans until 2019 makes things even worse. Member states will only hurt themselves. Investors will put renewables projects on ice and that will have knock-on effects for jobs and growth in Europe.”

The conclusions highlight that member states will submit progress reports to the European Commission every two years on the national action plans for renewables. In addition to these reports, member states also show a willingness to implement additional measures to ensure that any shortfall in the target is met, according to EWEA.

“It is positive that ministers have at least recognised the need for further EU legislation on renewables and additional measures to plug any gaps in the EU target. Member states clearly need help policing themselves to meet the target they’ve all signed up to. The Commission now needs to define the additional measures and encourage member states to show the necessary level of ambition in their national plans,” Dickson said.