EU project focused on environmental monitoring of ocean energy devices gets another extension

EU project focused on environmental monitoring of ocean energy devices gets another extension

Project & Tenders

The EU-backed SafeWAVE project, which has the aim of overcoming some of the non-technological barriers that could hinder the future development of ocean energy, has been extended until December 2024.

WaveScan Metocean Buoy at BiMEP (Courtesy of BiMEP)

The extension of the Streamlining the Assessment of Environmental Effects of Wave Energy (SafeWAVE) project is said to allow the project partners to continue addressing the non-technological barriers that could hinder the future development of ocean energy, a key pillar of the EU Blue Growth strategy.

The project works to improve knowledge of the environmental effects and risks of wave energy through the collection, processing, analysis, and sharing of environmental data around devices operating at sea and modeling of cumulative impacts of future larger-scale deployments.

Led by AZTI, the project consortium includes a multidisciplinary team bringing together technology device developers (BiMEP, Wello, CorPower Ocean, and GEPS Techno), consultants, researchers (WavEC, CTN, AZTI, RTSYS, UCC, and Ecole Centrale) and data managers (Hidromod).

SafeWAVE was launched in February 2021 and was recently extended until June 2024.

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