EU and global partners reinforce efforts to reduce methane emissions across LNG value chain

Outlook & Strategy

The European Commission (EC), Japan, the United States (U.S.), the Republic of Korea and Australia have signed a joint statement which reinforces their efforts towards the reduction of methane emissions arising across the values chain of LNG, from production to consumption.

Courtesy of European Commission

The joint statement by EC and its global partners was signed on 18 July at the LNG Producer-Consumer conference, co-organised by Japan and the IEA’s Task Force on gas and clean fuels market monitoring and supply security (TFFS).

According to EC, this initiative builds on existing cooperation between the EU and other global leaders on methane abatement across the natural gas value chain.

The EU continues tackling methane emissions, spearheading the Global Methane Pledge and the Joint Declaration from Energy Importers and Exporters on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fossil Fuels alongside the U.S., while implementing the EU Methane Strategy at the EU level.

By signing the joint statement, the EC reaffirms its commitment to taking action on reducing methane emissions in the LNG supply chain on a number of fronts including through

  • continued collaboration with global partners as well as the IEA, the International Methane Emissions Observatory and the Greenhouse Gases Supply Chain Emissions MMRV international working group
  • the creation of a globally aligned methane emissions assessment framework for LNG projects
  • continuing to support international public-private coordination on GHG reduction in LNG, especially on methane, and to work with LNG producers and consumers globally.

Reducing methane emissions, including in the energy sector is one of the priorities of the European Green Deal which aims to make Europe climate neutral by 2050. Furthermore, in the short to medium term, LNG imports from trusted global partners remain a key component of ensuring Europe’s energy security under the REPowerEU plan. In this policy context, reducing the methane emissions associated with the natural gas value chain is a priority of the EU’s energy and climate objectives.