Illustration/French developer Sabella deploying its tidal energy turbine (Courtesy of Ocean Energy Europe)

ETIP Ocean’s report spotlights need to place ocean energy farms at the center of innovation 

Business Developments & Projects

The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy (ETIP Ocean) has highlighted the need to direct innovation efforts toward enabling ocean energy farms to achieve technological and industrial breakthroughs by 2030. 

Source: Ocean Energy Europe

According to Ocean Energy Europe (OEE), the newly-released ‘Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA)” positions pilot farms as the cornerstone of progress in the ocean energy sector. Additional research and innovation areas, such as artificial intelligence (AI) modeling tools and materials development, are also crucial to the path toward industrial-scale deployment.

SRIA identifies the demonstration of pilot farms as the sector’s priority, showcasing the strides made since the last SRIA update. Complementary innovations, including next-generation technologies, analytical tools, and cross-sector enabling technologies, are essential for paving the way to full-scale industrialization.

Public funding plays a vital role in driving these projects forward, with a European pipeline of 167 MW supported through EU programs and national schemes. This backing has sparked significant private investment, with companies partnering with technology developers to accelerate ocean energy developments.

Continued public and private sector collaboration is anticipated to strengthen Europe’s position as the leader in ocean energy, particularly as it already hosts the world’s largest tidal farms and the most advanced wave energy technologies. By adhering to the SRIA’s recommendations, Europe stands to maintain its competitive edge and fully capitalize on the zero-emission potential of ocean energy.

Rosalinde van der Vlies, Director at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, remarked: “The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Ocean Energy presents what needs to happen to ensure that the EU remains the global leader in the sector. Addressing these R&I priorities will drive the development of ocean energy technology, accelerate the progress towards industrial roll-out and help deliver on the targets of the EU Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy and the Renewable Energy Directive.”

In December 2023, ETIP Ocean published a guide that proposes best practices for local community engagement in ocean energy projects. 

Pablo Ruiz-Minguela, Head of Wave Energy at Tecnalia added: “The next five years will be crucial for the sector’s progress towards industrialisation. Delivering on the SRIA actions will accelerate the development from research to large-scale deployments, reinforcing Europe’s energy security and competitiveness with home-grown and sustainable ocean energy.”

In September 2024, the U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE), Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) issued a $112.5 million funding call to spur the demonstration of wave energy technologies through open water testing and system validation.

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