Equinor Looking to Bundle Two Offshore Wind Extensions
Equinor is looking to develop the Dudgeon and Sheringham Shoal offshore wind extension projects as a single project with an integrated grid option.
Equinor revealed the plan in the Scoping Report which supports a request for a formal Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Opinion from the Planning Inspectorate for the proposed extension projects.
The company said it had accepted an offer from the National Grid for connection at Norwich Main that could accommodate both projects.
The exact locations of the offshore and onshore infrastructure are not yet finalized, while two landfall options, including the Weybourne and the Bacton area, are being considered.
According to Equinor, an integrated approach will benefit the planning and construction of the electrical infrastructure system, will reduce the overall environmental impact and help to respond to concerns regarding the general lack of a holistic approach to offshore wind development.
However, given the different ownership of the projects, a separated grid option will allow the projects to be constructed in a phased approach, if necessary.
The application will thus seek consent for alternative grid solutions in the same overall corridors to allow for both the integrated and separated grid options.
The Dudgeon and Sheringham Shoal extensions are two of the seven offshore wind extension projects that the Crown Estate selected in August following a plan level Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA).