diving operation as Equinor hires compatriot company for diving intervention services

Equinor hires compatriot company for diving intervention services

Business & Finance

Norway’s energy giant Equinor has signed a long-term frame agreement for diving intervention services with compatriot SubseaPartner.

Source: SubseaPartner

The frame agreement focuses on contingency preparedness for Equinor as the principal user, in addition to 23 other operating companies participating in the Pipeline Repair System and Subsea Intervention (PRSI) Pool.

Tasks that this frame agreement covers also include planned activities within standard field operations, construction projects, as well as modifications. 

The agreement spans from the fourth quarter of 2023 to the fourth quarter of 2027, having available extension options to 2031. 

SubseaPartner is set to provide surface-supplied diving operations based on Equinor’s demand, covering offshore oil and gas (O&G) installations and wind farms, as well as inshore sites on Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS), UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) and globally.

Deliveries within the framework agreement are call-off based, leveraging on SubseaPartner’s light diving craft (LDC) method and track record from offshore operations on the NCS and UKCS, according to the company.

“In terms of lite in field extension and energy security, offshore Diving lntervention has become increasingly relevant to operators’ needs for safe, cost-effective, and flexible services in the shallow deep segment (0-50 MSW). It proves the versatility of Diving lntervention and reinfore­es our position in the future of offshore Oil & Gas and Floating Offshore Wind,” said Anders Remøy Bertelsen, Managing Director of SubseaPartner.

In terms of recent news regarding SubseaPartner, the company won a contract to deliver a new diver launch and recovery system in the North Sea for Vår Energi.

The first phase of work includes engineering, planning, design, fabrication, and commissioning of a new diver launch and recovery system, while the second phase is surface-supplied diving operations to finalize the hook-up of the Jotun FPSO in the North Sea.