EPSRC rolls out wave energy funding call
UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has issued a call to fund research grant proposals in Marine Wave energy.

According to EPSRC, the funding available for this call is approximately £4.5 million.
EPSRC anticipates that proposals may vary in scale and scope depending on the planned approach.
However, the proposals should be for a maximum of £1 million.
Proposals should also fall mainly under the EPSRC remit but may include integrated social and environmental aspects surrounding the use of Wave Energy Converters.
Furthermore, this call is in marine wave energy only and proposals focused on tidal stream energy will not be considered.
Proposals can be multi-disciplinary, and they may come from consortia or individual institutions and may address individual or multiple themes.
It is essential that proposals explain how the proposed research fits into the existing energy research landscape, specifically how the proposed research differs or is complementary to existing similar work.
Proposed interactions with other research in the landscape to maximise progress and value for money should be described.
Applicants should include in their proposal how their research will potentially contribute to meeting decarbonising targets.
“There is currently considerable experience in the sector from the deployment of various Wave Energy Converter (WEC) prototypes, but there are still significant obstacles around technology and affordability,” EPSRC said.
As a result, EPSRC is looking to fund proposals, particularly in the key areas highlighted by the
Wave Energy Roadmap commissioned through the Supergen ORE Hub:
- Novel designs for niche applications
- Survivability and reliability of devices in the marine environment
- Power Take Off and control systems
- Modelling, forecasting and evaluation of wave energy resource
- New materials for Wave Energy Converters
Awards will be for 36 months duration.
The call is for full proposals but an Intent to Submit must be completed by 14 July 2020.
The Intent to Submit form is available on the call page on the EPSRC website.
Finally, full proposal stage closes on 23 September 2020.
(EPSRC) is the main funding body for engineering and physical sciences research in the UK.