Energinet Issues Thor LiDAR Measurement Call

Project & Tenders

Energinet has issued a tender seeking floating LiDAR measurement services for the Thor offshore wind project in the Danish North Sea.

The tender seeks a floating LiDAR to be deployed at the project site more than 20km west of the coast of Jutland to measure wind speed and direction.

Additionally, a third-party technical note on the expected validity, reliability and bankability of the measurement data shall be delivered.

Oceanographic data will also optionally be measured, either by the same Floating LiDAR system or by another measuring system.

The deadline for submitting applications is 23 October by 13:00 local time. The duration of the contract is one year, while the measurements and validation must be delivered by 15 March 2021.

Thor is the first of three 800MW offshore wind projects to be constructed in Danish waters before 2030, with an option for the developer to boost the wind farm’s capacity to up to 1GW.

The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) recently decided that a Strategic Environmental Assessment must be completed prior to submission of final bids for the project. Comprehensive environmental assessments are still to be carried out before final bids, after which the winner will have to carry out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).