EMSA awards RINA contract to support LNG bunkering

EMSA awards RINA contract to support LNG bunkering

Business Developments & Projects

European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has awarded Italian classification society RINA a framework contract to support LNG bunkering initiatives.

Illustration only; Courtesy of RINA
EMSA awards RINA contract to support LNG bunkering
Illustration only; Courtesy of RINA

Namely, these initiatives will deal with increasing the availability of LNG in the medium term with small-scale bunkering and depots.

The ultimate goal is to expand the use of LNG throughout the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian Seas. Furthermore, the project aims to reduce environmental impact by making LNG more widely available, as well as promoting LNG road supply chain.

The framework contract will run for a period of four years. It currently covers 22 countries in the regions.

However, EMSA says it may add other countries during the period of the agreement.

Under the contract, RINA will provide a selection of services dealing with safety and feasibility to match project needs in different locations.

RINA’s total of eight different services will help port authorities determine which locations are feasible to install small-scale LNG bunkering or depot facilities.

The activities include:

  • gap analysis of regulatory frame and evaluation of applicable standards,
  • feasibility study
  • definition of risk acceptance criteria
  • site analysis
  • nautical analysis
  • hazard identification
  • quantitative risk assessment
  • and ship collision risk study.

Angelo Lo Nigro, energy engineering solutions senior director at RINA, said: “LNG is an important fuel on our way to decarbonization. The services we will be providing as part of the frame agreement with EMSA will help make LNG storage and bunkering available in port areas and will also bring consistency and guidance for economically developing nations that do not yet have strong experience with small scale LNG.”