EMEC to request Section 36 consent for Billia Croo wave test site

Research & Development

The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) is preparing to apply for a Section 36 consent for its  full-scale wave energy test site, Billia Croo, to further improve the consenting process for technology developers testing at the site.

Wello's Penguin device at Billia Croo; Image: Wello Oy

A Section 36 consent is required under the Electricity Act 1989, in order to accommodate generation capacity greater than 1MW.

EMEC holds a site-wide Section 36 consent for its Fall of Warness tidal energy test site, however, developers at Billia Croo have so far acquired the consent themselves. EMEC said it was hoping to achieve an overarching site-wide consent that will allow an envelope of device types to install and operate at the Billia Croo site.

Having the consent in place for the Fall of Warness tidal test site has proven to significantly streamline the consenting process for developers testing at the site, according to EMEC, which added that a site-wide Section 36 consent for the wave test site would facilitate future and current developers installing their devices within a quicker timescale and without the need for extensive environmental assessment.

EMEC invites tenders to support consent application

As part of its preparation for applying for the consent, EMEC has issued two calls for tenders, with contracts to be awarded valued at £55,000 in total.

The Centre is looking to appoint a contractor to conduct a full Environmental Appraisal of the wave test site, which should aim to pre-appraise potential deployments and activities, based on an envelope, within the context of the wider test site.

The Environmental Appraisal should supply sufficient information for EMEC to produce an Environmental Statement for the purposes of the Section 36 consent.

EMEC is also procuring external expertise in carrying out a full Seascape, Landscape, and Visual Impact Assessment (SLVIA) of the Billia Croo site.

Both contracts will run from October 9, 2018 to January 25, 2019.

Deadline for submission of tenders is September 28.