EMEC hosts visit to Orkney marine renewables sites

Business & Finance
Cardinal buoy at Billia Croo (Photo: EMEC)
Cardinal buoy at Billia Croo (Photo: EMEC)

The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) and Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) are organizing a visit to marine renewables test sites in Orkney as a side event of the ICOE 2016 conference.

The attendees will get a chance to learn more about EMEC and the unprecedented level of marine renewables activity that has taken place on the islands over the last decade.

EMEC and HIE are organizing a tour of Orkney’s marine renewables supporting infrastructure, including Hatston Pier, as well as the showcase of EMEC’s electrical substation, where the electricity produced by wave energy convertors firsts lands onshore.

The Orkney day trip will also provide the opportunity to talk with the local supply chain and EMEC about the testing requirements.

Furthermore, a visit to Billia Croo wave test site on the west coast of Orkney is planned, with the possibility of fly-over the Fall of Warness tidal test site, depending on the weather conditions.

The event will take place on February 22, 2016, one day before the ICOE 2016 conference begins.