EMEC Hails Magallanes Tidal Tech Headway

Operations & Maintenance

Tidal energy developer Magallanes Renovables, has been testing its second generation, 2MW tidal platform ATIR at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), since 2018, as part of the Ocean_2G project.

Photo: EMEC

The aim of the project was to test, validate and pre-certify Magallanes’ device and this was achieved through a structured programme of testing, which resulted in the ATIR generating electricity into the UK national grid for the first time in 2019. This has allowed Magallanes to demonstrate the operational performance of its device and brings it closer to readying the technology for market.

Ocean_2G was funded by the Fast Track to Innovation pilot scheme, part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The project was led by SAGRES – Magallanes Renovables’ parent company – the Ocean_2G project consortium brought together EMEC, Leask Marine and electrical specialist IM FutuRe.

Due to the progress, outputs and successful completion of the Ocean_2G project, Magallanes has secured further support from the Horizon2020 funded MaRINET2 programme, which will allow it to extend its period of testing at EMEC. Magallanes will continue to harness energy from our oceans to generate electricity and gain greater knowledge and experience, which will progress them further towards commercialisation of its tidal technology.

Neil Kermode, EMEC managing director, said: “We are delighted with the progress that Magallanes are making and we look forward to ongoing collaboration to develop and demonstrate their pioneering tidal technology here at EMEC, thanks to the continued EU funding support that they have received.

“Tidal energy provides a clean, renewable, predictable energy source which has enormous potential. Magallanes are playing a key role in the tidal sector and their achievements and impact to the economy in both Scotland and Spain should be commended.”

Alejandro Marques de Magallanes, CEO, Magallanes Renovables, explained: “Each day in the Ocean_2G project we learned something new and thanks to the support of the European Commission, EMEC, Leask Marine and IM Future, we are closer to having a robust, reliable and efficient tidal technology. The Ocean_2G project has allowed us to be a better company, mature the technology and most importantly to demonstrate that we can and are producing blue, renewable, predictive and competitive energy thanks to our unique technology.”