ELBE Sets Up Seminar in Belgium

Research & Development

The ELBE project is arranging a seminar aiming to strengthen the supply chain for blue energy in Europe and to explore opportunities in growth markets around the world, with focus on wave, tidal and floating wind energy.

De Meyer to facilitate the event

The seminar will take place at De Meyer in Temse, Belgium on February 26.

International and local speakers will highlight new and demonstrate ways to overcome specific challenges of blue energy, by focusing on small scale applications, integration in multi-use platforms and technical standards.

Participants are also offered the possibility to network with key players from the Belgian offshore energy scene, facilitated by the opportunity of the Ocean Energy ERA-Net call.

This conference is free of charge.

The Europe Leading Blue Energy (ELBE) project is coordinated by the Basque Energy Cluster in collaboration with AREG, De Blauwe Cluster, Offshoreväst and Offshore Denmark.