EKF to Manage Danish Climate Technology Exports Fund

Business & Finance

The Danish government has allocated DKK 14 billion (circa EUR 1.87 billion) to the Export Credit Agency (EKF) to finance exports of Danish climate technology, including offshore wind.

The awarded amount is part of the DKK 25 billion allocated in the budget to Denmark’s Green Future Fund.

According to EKF, this is set out in the recently completed agreement on next year’s budget between the government and its supporting parties.

The Danish agency said that it has experienced a high demand for local climate technology and the financing that is essential to making green projects a reality in recent years. Extremely relevant projects are ready to go, with great potential for new ones to be added, EKF said.

“This is great news for Danish climate exports and for the transition to a green economy. We are ready to start straight away,” said Christian Frigast, Chairman of the Board of Directors at EKF.

“We are very proud that EKF has been given the green light to do what we are good at, which will help both the climate and Danish businesses. This involves both spreading the technology we already know and test facilities and new technologies in important fields such as energy storage and floating wind turbines.”