Eco Wave Power combined power plant

Eco Wave Power wins Energy Globe Award


Eco Wave Power has won the Energy Globe Award for its combined wave and solar project in the Port of Jaffa, Israel.

Eco Wave Power

The Energy Globe Award was founded in 1999 by the Austrian energy pioneer Wolfgang Neumann and is one of today’s most prestigious environmental awards.

Goal of the Award is to present successful sustainable projects to a broad audience, for many of our environmental problems already have good, feasible solutions.

In addition to Jaffa Port, EWP also recently set up a new combined wave and solar system in Gibraltar.

Eco Wave Power integrated eight solar panels on the surface of its eight floaters, operational in Gibraltar. Each panel has the installed capacity of 330 watts, thus, all eight panels have an installed capacity of 2.640 kw.

The equipment, installation and grid connection works of the solar panels have been carried out by Metaelect System, from Spain.

Eco Wave Power will carry out long term testing of the newly installed equipment, with the vision of reviewing the possibility of integrating solar panels in all its future installations.

The Gibraltar project , co-funded by the European Union Regional Development Fund and the European Commission’s Horizon2020 program is a step towards the commercialization of the EWP technology, the company said in March.

In April, EWP also signed an official concession agreement with port administrator APDL to use an area potentially suitable for the construction and operation of an up-to-20-MW wave energy power plant in Portugal.

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